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"Educating and preparing students for jobs and competences that don't yet exist"
The reasons and consequences of cyberbullying influence, without a doubt, in the way the kids and adults board on our life path, and also in the types of learning that we value as a society.
 That’s why, even though the foundations of learning are still the same; it’s essential that teaching methods should take into considerations that context are no longer the same.
Good teaching, therefore, implies going much further than just providing information. It requires the development of critical and creative thinking tools that will allow us to fully participate in the society.
We don’t know how the world will be in the near future, but we do know that it will be different from today’s world, in many aspects. Good teaching today implies laying the foundations (and desire) to continue incorporating and experimenting values forever. 

We say "NO" to cyberbullying

Week dedicated to becoming aware through living situations
The day of “WE SAY NO TO CYBERBULLYING” is established
A full day is dedicated to reflection and action. We work in all the areas, dividing students, not according to their age, but according to their selections of disciplines, we inform them about their options and students enroll in the workshops.
For example:
Computer science:
Children are proposed to create videos, web pages, presentations and brochures to give advice about how to cope with aggressions, provide current statistics about kids affected by harassment and carry out or Google interviews to people who have suffered from harassment or have played a main role in it.
Lyrics and music, concert in charge of the students.
Create a hymn in favor of tolerance and against bullying.
Students get prepared for the project through reading
bibliography about school harassment, before the production
of a group story, a possible story that is produced collectively.
Plastic arts:
Students illustrate the feelings that both the victim and the
offender feel.
They work in all art areas, with similar proposals pursuant to the
possibilities of each educational institution, in a collaborative way.  
Productions are socialized and shared with families in days where reflection activities are proposed for families. 
# Review the manual procedures 



And in this way, we train them in the art of thinking, creating, exhibiting, seeing and recognizing themselves from a different perspective, preparing them for the future
 “SPAK” – Spread Passion Among Kids: a consequence of this learning model 
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