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"Educating and preparing students for jobs and competences that don't yet exist"


Even youngest kids can present their ideas and share their thinking with the world.


What is SMALL SPAK ? 
It’s a collection of interesting presentations given by 4-6 year-old-kids that are recorded and shared with the society.
The presentations are spontaneous, after a long journey shared with the guiding teacher, carrying out investigation, sharing, speaking and planning as of the moment they chose their topic.
The kid describes its characteristics, the emotions that arise from the topic and the living experiences, to be then recorded and edited by the same kids, with the help of their teacher.
SMALL SPAK proposes this experience, training them in a second language.
This modality generates a great resource for those who want to educate their children in the art of public speaking. And in this way, kids won’t lose spontaneity, curiosity or the need to permanently discover the world around them, as of their production and that of their classmates.
When faced to this model, they develop two bases for emotional health, self-confidence and self-esteem. 
# Review the manual procedures 
And in this way, we train them in the art of thinking, creating, exhibiting, seeing and recognizing themselves from a different perspective, preparing them for the future
 “SPAK” – Spread Passion Among Kids: a consequence of this learning model 
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