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"Educating and preparing students for jobs and competences that don't yet exist"



It is a literature interactive project in which an entire community writes a text. The students who want to participate can do it together with their families, etc.
On our website, we offer started stories, and then, families can continue a story related to a group problem or to a solidarity proposal.
Each story starts with a drawing directly on the project website through a simple interface. From this drawing, all the following participations help create a story, that develops in a narrative line.
The following user decides if he wants to continue the story on the same direction, take the story in a previous point or start a new narrative line.
This proposal is very useful for those called to develop a fiction story in a collaborative way.


# Review the manual procedures 
And in this way, we train them in the art of thinking, creating, exhibiting, seeing and recognizing themselves from a different perspective, preparing them for the future
 “SPAK” – Spread Passion Among Kids: a consequence of this learning model 
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